From major shows and corporate events to intimate home gatherings, Santa Chris Nicholas is a brilliantly hilarious entertainer, after dinner speaker, compère and host suitable for adults and families alike.
Using fun, clean and age-appropriate humour, Santa Chris Nicholas is the perfect seasonal entertainer and comedy host for your Christmas event, offering a performance especially catered for grown-ups!
Appearances & Clients Include
...and many many more!
Please Note
If Chris Nicholas is booked to perform in a professional show capacity at a venue such as a theatre, arena, ballroom, shopping centre, open-air stage or any other venue specifically intended for large-scale public performance, the staging, sound equipment, lighting equipment, stage and production staff (including sound and light technicians) are the sole responsibility of the client.
The sound and lighting engineers and all other stage production staff must be of a qualified professional calibre. A sufficient rehearsal with Chris Nicholas must occur before the general public is present.
Unless agreed in writing beforehand, Chris Nicholas does not supply any staging, sound equipment, lighting equipment, stage scenery, sound and lighting technicians, nor stage and production staff for any bookings.
Please read our full Terms and Conditions for more information.